It's a Gender-Reversed World, But I Don't Go Out Anyway - Chapter 15
Chapter 15 : Cool Air Conditioning
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I turned off the stream while installing the air conditioner. Even though it’s a window-mounted unit and relatively small—though “small” for an AC still means over 10kg—it’s difficult to install with one hand. Besides, I’d hate to accidentally show my face while streaming during installation.
Actually, even if my face were exposed, it probably wouldn’t matter since I don’t go out except in special situations like today. Still, I’d rather avoid showing it if possible. There were several reasons. If my face were revealed, what kind of posts would appear on my Tgether board? With just my name “Daeju” and my few streams, hundreds of sexual harassment posts are already written there—what if my face gets spread around too?
I’m already itching to file a lawsuit.
The second reason is my concern that revealing my face might actually slow my channel’s growth.
While I’m confident that my looks are close to average, nothing special, but among streamers—well, aren’t there plenty who look better than me? I’m using a question mark because I haven’t really watched many male streamers since coming to this world. When women streamers talk and stream like men while showing their faces and turn out to be pretty, who would bother watching male streams?
A male streamer with an unremarkable, ordinary face.
I certainly wouldn’t.
When I turned on the AC, there was indeed some noise, but not enough to be bothersome. Reviews were mixed depending on the person, and I figured the noise level might vary between units.
The cool breeze already felt good. Though small, the hardworking AC seemed to quickly lower the one-room apartment’s temperature by a degree or two.
Now it felt like a temperature where proper human thought was possible. My mood seemed to improve along with it. Today, I might even have fewer instances of getting angry during streams, and maybe ban fewer people too.
“Ahh… it would feel so good to just sleep like this without turning on the stream…”
My inner thoughts slipped out. They say hard workers deserve rest, and after wrestling with the AC for two hours and using a drill I’d never touched before in my life for installation—isn’t that enough work?
Wouldn’t everyone understand?
As if. Even when I stream diligently, my viewers call me crazy and flame me. Why did I say I’d stream tonight…
Tomorrow. I decided to take tomorrow off and turned the stream back on.
“Well… everyone, I’m in a good mood today.”
[Back in your room and excited.]
[AC must be nice, time for a shirtless stream.]
[Then maybe be more lenient with the bans today.]
“When have I ever banned too many people?”
I honestly thought the number of bans was low compared to the level of hostility in chat, but apparently the perpetrators didn’t think so.
[Oh really^^ you f*cking b*tch!]
ㄴ [User has been forcefully removed.]
[What??? You said you wouldn’t ban much]
“Think about it. Isn’t someone who tests the ban limits right after I say I don’t ban much the worst kind of toxic?”
[That’s a fair point]
[I survived because I was typing slowly with hunt-and-peck[1] lol]
[Daeju ju…ice let’s drink.]
[That guy looked like he made a sudden U-turn before hitting enter]
If they thought I’d ban less because I was in a good mood, they were mistaken. Actually, because I was feeling good, I acted more strictly to maintain that good mood while streaming. Isn’t that the mindset of a normal person?
Today I launched LoL again.
Why? Because recently I’d been doing well whenever I played LoL. Originally, the most fun games are the ones you’re good at. Right now, that was LoL for me, and viewers didn’t seem to mind much when I said I’d play LoL.
“So you say you’re good at the game. Your record is impressive!”
[Pick me]
[IGN BaronBooty’sMine invite go]
[KimJihye: Why is that your name lolololol KimJihyeBigBoobs invite plz]
[No shame lol]
“No way these names haven’t been banned yet?”
When I invited them, they actually joined.
I hadn’t expected there to be two people with such crazy names. Honestly, I thought they were both lying.
Despite both being in Gold tier, they had win rates close to 70%—typical smurf account vibes. When I asked, they said they’d just been busy with other games rather than being smurfs, and I decided to duo with KimJihyeBigBoobs, whose name was relatively tamer.
“Then I’ll play with Bigboobs.”
[Playing with bigboobs?]
[What are you doing with bigboobs?]
[Even Daeju can’t resist boobs lol]
“No, I’m not playing with bigboobs, it’s just that her name is KimJihye Bigboobs so when I shortened it… I’ll play with Jihye.”
[DAEJU NEWS FLASH: Not playing with bigboobs but with Jihye. Going to play intensely.]
[As expected of a reporter, smoothly inserted some suggestive info]
[Jihye happiness copypasta]
[KimJihye: Already recorded]
[Such a thorough woman damn;;]
“No, not ‘playing’ like that. Duoing[3].”
My heart dropped with every word because of the crazy username. Even without any malicious editing, if this stream went up on YouTube, wouldn’t my image be destroyed? Though I guess I don’t have an image to destroy.
As we started duoing, I heard throat-clearing sounds through the speakers.
So I left the voice chat. Who knows if they’d try to get free donations under the pretext of duo queue. Actually, I’d used too much mental energy today. After going outside, even though my body was fine thanks to the AC, my mind was frayed.
[How dare you try to chat with him lol]
[For real, you should be satisfied just getting to play together, so greedy]
[Probably not even big-boobed]
[KimJihye: How’d you know?]
[For real? lololol]
During ban/pick, I stared blankly at the ADC options wondering which to choose. Back in Silver, I only played what I was desperate with, but now that I’d reached Gold, which was above average, shouldn’t I pick champions worthy of that rank?
In that sense, I picked Kai’Sa, who I’d bought but never played, only encountered on enemy teams.
They say she’s really good, but I’d never tried her. The only information I roughly knew was that like Kha’Zix, she evolves and upgrades her skills when certain conditions are met. So basically, I didn’t know much.
[Your match history shows no Kai’Sa, you know how to play her?]
“Well… at Gold level, you just play new champs, right?”
[At Gold level… isn’t that when you can’t?]
[Hey! Don’t trash talk someone whose life’s greatest achievement is Gold!]
[You know there are conditions for evolving, right?]
“Huh? Evolution needs conditions too?”
[Is this guy really an ADC main?]
[How can you not know Kai’Sa as an ADC?]
[No wonder you’re Silver]
In response to these somewhat dismissive comments, I bravely spoke up.
“Excessive criticism gets banned.”
[He could be new you f*ckers, were you walking from birth!]
[That’s right! Having the courage to try is what matters!]
[Don’t get discouraged Daeju, fighting!]
With one word, an ideal broadcast atmosphere was created.
My duo partner, Jihye, picked Thresh. While it was a solid T1 support champion, it was actually a difficult champion whose effectiveness varied greatly depending on the player’s skill since it required a lot of mechanical skill.
When the game started, I looked at the recommended items that were neatly listed for a smooth start. I thought the items were somewhat unique.
“Personally, I think instead of these items—”
[Just go with those, that’s how you can evolve]
[Fr just do what you’re told if you don’t know]
[We won’t be asking for the streamer’s personal opinion.]
My opinion was shot down as soon as I tried to voice it.
Well, being ignorant is my crime.
After roughly finishing leash, I arrived in lane with Thresh.
While hitting minions, I tried some light harass with Q, but was surprised by how much weaker the damage was than expected.
“Why is it so weak?”
[Of course it’s weak when you spread your Q seeds equally between minions and champions]
[uwu seed spreading]
Checking more carefully, it seemed Q skill automatically targeted nearby enemies, so the true value showed when you properly balanced clearing minions with trading.
After figuring this out, the trades became overwhelming. That’s because Thresh consistently traded with auto attacks, and I occasionally landed W.
Honestly, my contribution wasn’t much.
[Look how much those autos hurt lol this is why souls die for Thresh]
[Feels like they’re dying for a different reason]
[Poor enemy Bard, makes me want to kill them ㅠㅠ]
The enemy comp was Yummi-Ezreal, a fundamental combo that appeared quite often in this tier, but even Yummi’s heal wasn’t enough against my and Thresh’s harass.
To be honest, it felt easier than games in Silver 1. I wasn’t sure if this was the difference in desperation between Gold 4 and Silver 1, or if it was because I was laning with a Thresh who had an impressive record.
“Alright, I’m getting used to it, let’s try fighting”
I didn’t think she was an unexpectedly difficult character.
And just then, the enemy Ezreal’s health was quite low, so I thought we could take him down easily even if I made some control mistakes.
[Ezreal’s movement looks too stupid, feels like bait]
[Fr this looks like a trap]
[Just keep poking]
While chat reacted to Ezreal’s sudden forward movement, I thought differently. Even if this was a fool’s act with their jungler hiding in the bush, if we could melt Ezreal instantly, we might create a situation where the enemy jungler’s effort goes to waste.
I used Flash along with all my skills to dodge Ezreal’s Q.
The problem was—
“Ah, Exhaust.”
As if predicting my Flash, I was hit with Exhaust and dealt weak damage to Ezreal—
Even that was recovered by Yummi’s heal skill and Ezreal’s Heal summoner—
And the enemy Lee Sin’s sonic wave hit me from the back bush—
With their perfectly fluid combo, I thought.
[Oh? We’re f*cked.]
I had exactly the same thought as our toxic viewer.
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(End of Chapter)
Translation Notes:
1. “hunt-and-peck” – Refers to slow typing with just two fingers, often called “독수리 타법” (eagle typing) in Korean
2. “손” (Hand) – A Korean gaming slang meaning “pick me” or “I’m skilled”
3. The jokes about “playing” vs “duoing” involve Korean wordplay where “하다” can mean both- do and “play” 😏