It's a Gender-Reversed World, But I Don't Go Out Anyway - Chapter 25
Chapter 25: PUBG (1)
* * *
After the sponsored stream ended, we were having a casual chat.
Though it was casual, we mostly ended up watching other streamers’ gacha videos.
“They’ve got good pull rates…”
[Different from someone we know, right?]
[I have terrible luck too, but getting one 5-star out of 200 pulls is just…]
[Don’t make fun of him, I understand the pain]
[But since it’s sponsored, he should’ve had exaggerated reactions, but without a 6-star pull, couldn’t even do that lol]
Come to think of it, I didn’t get anything good enough to warrant a reaction.
If I’d known it would be this bad, I should have given a bigger reaction when I got the 5-star. Like screaming and clapping. It came too early, and I just played it cool thinking I’d get a 6-star later.
At this point.
“Alright everyone, I’m going to pretend to be surprised, so please play along in the chat.”
[? Re-filming the reaction?]
[Since the stream flopped, trying to salvage the video footage lol]
[lololololol trying so hard]
The only option left is to record the reaction and stream chat again to somehow save the video.
Nexon probably won’t ask for their sponsorship money back just because the gacha failed, but if the stream fails like this and the video goes out as is, they probably won’t request sponsorships again. That’s why my editor and I decided to create separate reactions just to salvage the video.
If you ask whether this is a good idea, well…
Isn’t it better to at least try?
“Okay, when I count to three, I’ll pretend to be surprised, so please help out in the chat.”
[Let’s try…]
[But is it okay to manipulate sponsored content?]
[Well… it’s not hurting anyone…]
[Honestly, if the stream failed this badly, let’s allow this level of staging]
After taking a deep breath, I counted to three and forcefully raised my voice.
“Wow! Everyone, a 5-star!”
[lololol stop bullshitting lol]
[Wow! 5-star! You know your stuff!]
[Fix the balance patch for Maple Story, you bastards!]
ã„´ [User has been banned.]
“Sigh… shall we try again?”
Maybe because I jumped in too suddenly, the response wasn’t great.
Usually, I’d give up and move on, but today was different. I had a ‘keep going until it works’ mindset, and regardless of chat’s cooperation, I did it two more times.
Though trolls mixed in and ruined both attempts, I kept trying.
“If you don’t cooperate, I’ll keep trying whether it’s the forum or stream or whatever.”
[Ah fuck it, let’s just close our eyes and spam exaggerated chat]
[Let’s cooperate quickly and watch some game streams for once]
[Clueless idiots just need to spam lololol to keep the stream going]
[Just go watch another stream for a bit, we’ll handle this]
After several failures and my continued attempts, other viewers started getting frustrated, and perhaps tired of this whole thing, they began cooperating one by one. Things got so bad that whenever a troll appeared, before I could even ban them, other viewers would flood them with unprintable insults.
“If you cooperate, I’ll play a game you really recommend.”
[Oh, is H-game possible?]
[Are you crazy, you idiot]
[Let’s do horror games]
[What’s the point of horror games with a streamer without a webcam, let’s play PUBG]
[Shooter games are boring]
The atmosphere improved even more after I threw in that incentive.
And finally, the manipulated ad video was born.
Come to think of it, it was just a one-minute surprised reaction and chat capture, but who knows how many minutes we spent on it. Only after the editor gave the OK sign via KakaoTalk saying this should be enough, could I finally break free from this ordeal.
“The editor says it’s okay. Now please recommend games on Tgether and I’ll look through them and decide.”
[LoL players assemble!]
[Ah here we go again, you guys have Daeju taking care of you even without these occasions, give others a chance!]
[Hmm… we’ll step back today. LoL players, disperse!]
[How about StarCraft…]
[You guys get lost too]
“I said on Tgether, not in chat, and no LoL or StarCraft. Oh, and no RPGs either.”
[Why no RPGs?]
[Isn’t it obvious lol because the name’s similar to Bazooka-po[1] and he’s worried about terrorist controversy lol]
[Can’t believe you don’t know this lololol]
“RPGs are awkward to play for just one day.”
[That was the reason?]
[Boring reason]
[What can we do, we gotta keep Daeju’s stream alive lol]
[Streaming is tough, right?]
[For real T_T]
Regardless of the chat chaos, game recommendations were steadily coming in on the forum. Among them were famous games, but also some unheard-of games that seemed to have crawled out from gaming’s back alleys.
Looking at the upload speed, it seemed fine to start checking them one by one, but when I looked at the first recommendation.
There was a game I never thought would show up.
There’s no way anyone would want to watch this.
“Why on earth is Minesweeper here?”
[Who the fuck! Confiscate their red ginseng candy and scorched rice candy![2]]
[Please, anything but that…]
[For real lololol isn’t that one of those games we played during computer class at school?]
[This seems like they’re just trying to mess with us]
Minesweeper was a bit too much.
The problem was that the person who recommended it had written quite a lot of posts on the forum.
All with similar kinds of games
“Pac-Man, Pokémon Volleyball, Animal Tekken, Tetris all from the same person… haha goodbye!”
[We’ll remember you]
[When you die, I’m taking your dentures]
[Grandma~ It’s time to focus on real life instead of Daeju~]
[But Tetris is fun though]
It wasn’t a ban, but I gave them a one-week restriction from posting on Tgether. While there’s nothing wrong with all their recommended games being nostalgic, it was clearly just listing old games rather than recommending something people would want to watch, so it was interfering with the current stream. I think it was an appropriate punishment.
If you disagree, feel free to protest through donations, but I finally found a proper recommendation.
[Shooter game?]
[Isn’t it past its prime?]
[PUBG past its prime? What games do you play?]
[Heroes of the Storm]
[Look who decided to grace us with their presence]
Looking through other recommendations, most were suggesting PUBG, probably due to the game’s popularity.
Well, after banning LoL, StarCraft, and all RPG games, the only options left were a few soccer games and PUBG.
For reference, PUBG stands for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, a game different from typical shooters where you drop empty-handed, farm for guns, ammo, and equipment, then engage in combat. I’d only played a couple of rounds, and from what I remember, I was terribly bad at it.
“PUBG wins by majority vote!”
[Oh good good]
[HotS lost even in majority vote because there’s no players T_T]
[For real T_T T_T if it weren’t for LoL, HotS would’ve been more popular]
[If LoL didn’t exist, it would’ve lost to DOTA or Chaos lol]
[If LoL didn’t exist, HotS wouldn’t even exist lololol]
“Taking PUBG tips now.”
While downloading, I posted on Tgether asking for information about PUBG.
Most of it was incomprehensible, but I could tell that some people had studied PUBG very deeply. This wasn’t exactly good news. Just thinking about how these people would react to my gameplay…
“Oh, looks like they added a Korean map”
[?? Wasn’t that why you wanted to play PUBG?]
[Hey rookie… don’t expect anything from Daeju…]
[With Daeju, just say ‘oh wow, well done’ no matter what he does lol]
[Wonder what he’d do if not for streaming?]
[Male prostitute]
ã„´[User has been banned.]
“Loaded up.”
[Everyone stop!]
Korean map, PUBG.
And my terrifying skills. This was probably going to be YouTube material. Of course, since it’s been out for a while, everyone else had already done reviews, but there weren’t many reviews from people who were bad at the game.
Being bad at games can be a distinguishing factor too.
While it’s normally a large game, since I had downloaded and played it before without deleting it, it didn’t take too long.
Download finished, so I changed the stream title.
[Shaky aim, don’t expect much]
“Is this title okay?”
[Even so, “M*sturbation aim” is a bit much, let’s go with “Shaky aim, don’t expect much”]
[lololololol yeah Daeju, let’s go with that]
[Just joined, was that really the title?]
[Can’t believe someone fell for it lol]
“Can’t believe there’s someone this crazy, 10-minute timeout”
With the stream title roughly decided, when I launched PUBG after a long time, the distinctive solemn music of shooter games started playing.
I might not know about other games, but with shooter games, you can tell it’s a shooter just from this music. This drum sound and majestic foghorn-like sound was already making me nervous.
“Alright, let’s go get that chicken dinner”
In PUBG, when you win, people mention chicken while congratulating you, and since then, getting first place has been expressed as “getting chicken dinner.” For reference, I’ve never gotten first place, but I’ve seen it on streams of skilled players.
Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ll ever see it myself.
“If I’m going to die anyway, I’d rather die fighting than die getting shot.”
Riding the plane, dropping at the desired location, farming, and then combat.
Since PUBG typically progresses like this, where you land is very important. That’s why beginners, being slow at farming, usually prefer landing in secluded spots where people don’t come, but my thinking was a bit different.
Rather than farming carefully only to die pathetically, I preferred the philosophy of fighting and dying from the start to build up skills.
“Let’s go!”
* * *
(End of chapter)
1. The joke about “Bazooka-po” and RPG is a wordplay – RPG can mean both Role Playing Game and Rocket Propelled Grenade
2. “Red ginseng candy and scorched rice candy” – Traditional Korean snacks, often associated with older people