It's a Gender-Reversed World, But I Don't Go Out Anyway - Chapter 36
Chapter 36: Room Reveal
[Yesterday I delivered drugs to the Drug Lord.]
Of course, it wasn’t actually drugs – it was vitamins and supplements because the Master[1] barely goes outside anymore. I got fed up and sent them.
Not drugs, not Viagra, not hair loss supplements or anything like that, not sleeping pills or poison, and not Matrix pills that make you know all the truth when you take them.
– Boring; why give such healthy supplements
ã„´ You crazy about entertainment…
ã„´ Well, Master needs to be healthy to stream longer and ruin his health again lol
ã„´ Doubt he’ll stream for long even if he gets healthy
– What’s with sending a whole box of vitamins, is this sponsored?
ã„´ There’s a possibility but what’s the point of sponsoring Daeju when he can’t even do before/after shots
ã„´ True, and with Daeju’s lifestyle, vitamins alone won’t improve his health
“Ah, so these are supplements”
It wasn’t until this morning after ending the stream that I figured out what they were. Among all the ingredients listed, “vitamin” was the only English word I could read.
That’s when I finally took out one pill and swallowed it with water.
Naturally, there wasn’t any dramatic change.
However, psychologically, there was a strange sense of relief. Now that I even had supplements, maybe it really was okay to just stay home.
A familiar sound came from my phone.
Actually, I could tell who it was without looking. After all, there weren’t many people I chatted with on KakaoTalk.
Sure enough, there was a message from my editor.
[Daeju, shall we try what we discussed today?]
What was it again?
Honestly, my memory isn’t great so I’d forgotten. When I scrolled up through our chat history, I found the editor’s suggestion among the things we’d prepared for YouTube content.
“Ah, the missions?”
There was a system where viewers could set donations for missions, like a kind of quest system. If you failed, either the viewer who set the mission or I could press the fail button and provide 10% of the mission amount as a cancellation fee, so there were various safety measures in place.
Since many streamers used it frequently, viewers were familiar with missions, and from a streamer’s perspective, it generated more revenue than regular donations and easily created streaming content, so I decided to set it up too.
But I felt awkward about announcing that missions could be set.
Saying “Starting today, missions can be set”
felt like I was pressuring them to set missions and soliciting donations, so it felt a bit…
I wanted to announce it naturally.
Or maybe I could create an alt account and secretly set any mission, subtly letting them know that missions could be set.
“Not a bad idea.”
Viewers wouldn’t recognize my alt account, and as long as I acted naturally, there wouldn’t be any problems.
“Hello everyone.”
[What do Daeju and a can of tuna have in common? Both need to be opened up]
[I’m moved…]
At first, I killed time with meaningless small talk. Couldn’t just jump straight into the alt account stuff. Talk about the recently cooler weather, about taking the supplements from the delivery.
The viewers didn’t show much reaction to the boring stories, and were just having their own competition of who could troll me in the most creative way.
And finally, after mentally preparing myself, I set the mission.
[Daeju’s Waist Fairy has set a mission.]
[10,000 won if you do a gaming stream today]
“Ah, thank you for the mission. Gaming stream? Hmm…”
I hadn’t actually decided whether I’d do a gaming stream or not. The reason for donating like that was just because it was something viewers often talked about.
And viewers weren’t curious about the mission content at all. What really caught their interest was-
[What??? Missions are available now?]
[Daeju you bastard why didn’t you tell us! Time to squeeze you dry lololol]
[Now with missions he’ll turn on cam, take off his pants, and soon it’ll be adult streams lololol ah lololol already getting excited]
[MosquitoSlayer has set a mission.]
[Reveal photos of Daeju’s house 10,000 won]
“Why should I reveal my house?”
There wasn’t really anything special about it.
A small studio apartment with a bachelor pad setup. The only notable things were an expensive computer I splurged on and a bed that seemed out of place in a studio but I bought it for comfortable sleep. Besides that, just some scattered trash that hadn’t been cleaned up.
Looking around the corners of my studio, it definitely needed cleaning since I wasn’t particularly neat. But isn’t this level of messiness average among people living alone?
At least from what I knew, the image of living alone was closer to being rough rather than clean, so I didn’t understand people who lived cleanly.
[Don’t want to show it?]
[That just makes us want to see it more]
[Banned25TimesByDaeju has added to the mission amount.]
[OppaDontForgetUnderwear has added to the mission amount.]
[SleepingPillStream has added to the mission amount.]
[Reveal photos of Daeju’s house 130,000 won]
“Why are you all doing this?”
They seemed to have misunderstood my rejection, thinking I disliked it when really there was nothing special to show.
As more and more people added to the mission amount, it reached the considerable sum of 130,000 won. I would take photos and reveal them since many viewers were curious, but was it okay to receive so much for something like this?
“Okay, I’ll take photos… but you all should upload photos of your rooms too”
I told them to upload photos of other streamers’ rooms on the Tgether board. I was curious, and if rooms messier than mine showed up, I could deflect criticism by saying at least one of my viewers lived more messily than me.
Of course, I would clean up a bit before taking photos, but there was some trash I couldn’t clean up right away.
Mainly delivery food containers and boxes that had piled up while eating. I needed to clean these up, but trash day hadn’t come yet so they kept accumulating. Looking at this made me think I should learn to cook and eat at home.
To think I’d start considering having healthy eating habits on my own.
Could this be the power of supplements?
[My room is totally messed up…]
[Give me 2 hours, I’ll clean up and then upload]
[Clean up regularly you dirty bastards;; I’ll upload after moving a bit]
[You have separate rooms? Am I the only one in a studio?]
[Don’t people usually have two rooms?]
With over a thousand viewers watching, there were various room conditions and living situations, so while viewers usually got along exceptionally well, differences showed in areas like this.
I got up and started taking photos with my phone.
There wasn’t much space to photograph so it would be quick, but I gathered the trash I could clean up into garbage bags before taking photos. Just a bit of organizing made it look somewhat presentable. A room that could become clean with just a few minutes of investment had been neglected like this.
I felt no guilt.
I even thought about letting it pile up again and cleaning it in just a few minutes next time.
“There’s really nothing special but I’ll upload them.”
[Really nothing special.]
Since it’s a studio, didn’t need many photos so uploaded 3 focusing on the computer, bed, and air conditioner
Actually before streaming I didn’t even have the bed or air conditioner so it was empty, but now I’m living luxuriously thanks to you all.
He…hey… upload… your photos you bastards
– Thought you lived in a palace but our Daeju lives so pitifully ã… ã… ã…
ã„´ Isn’t this average?
ã„´ Having a computer, bed, and air conditioner is pretty decent
ã„´ What are you guys saying, the fact that he lived in a studio without air conditioning means it wasn’t decent
– If I knew you lived in a studio I would’ve donated more often lol
ã„´ What’s the connection between living in a studio and donations?
ã„´ I don’t donate if they live better than me
ã„´ I understand donations are personal choice but that reasoning is disgusting
– If you hadn’t started streaming you’d probably be a basement-dwelling hikikomori just playing games
“Then I’ll mark this as successful and take the money.”
[Makes my heart ache… take it all]
[I’ll add 10,000 won, take it]
I clicked success to collect the mission amount that had grown to 200,000 won.
I wonder why viewers reacted like this even though it’s just an ordinary studio. Come to think of it, I hadn’t often mentioned living in a studio, and since viewers increased rapidly, maybe they naturally thought I’d be well-off since I’d become a somewhat recognized streamer, if not exactly working for a major company.
Honestly, I’m living much better than before streaming.
If comparing with other streamers, I understand.
Just thinking about Yeonhee’s house that I visited a few days ago, my place might look shabby in comparison.
“But really, I’m satisfied with my studio.”
[ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ]
[That’s how… Daeju compromises with reality…]
[Fighting! We believe you’ll do well!]
[AnSan’sTopTroublemakerDaeju has donated 30,000 won.]
– Master, save up hard and move to an apartment too!
“Really, I’m satisfied…”
It would be a lie to say I had absolutely no desire for a better place, but at least for now, I was satisfied with my studio.
Even if I had a bigger place, I didn’t have anything to fill it with, and it would just make me feel lonelier. Make friends if I’m lonely? Not that easy.
Recently, thanks to streaming, I didn’t feel lonely, bought necessities like the air conditioner and bed, and this small studio gradually filled up to feel like a proper home, I even grew attached to it.
So I got a bit angry at viewers treating my beloved home like it was pitiful.
“Let’s see how nice your places are then.”
[Still can’t compare with Daeju though]
[Actually I still live with my parents]
[Same here lol ah~ can’t resist home-cooked meals~]
I clicked on the first post on the board and the photos were something else from the start.
“You live here?”
From the first photo – a massive living room, marble floors, a chandelier that seemed unnecessary for a home, an unnecessarily large plant pot and TV.
And the sofa in front of the TV, I couldn’t even tell how many people it could seat. It looked like two 6-seater sofas put together, and clearly expensive leather at that.
“Why does someone like this watch my stream!”
[Ah even if caught sexually harassing wouldn’t have to worry about settlement money lolololol so jealous lololol]
[The… indulgence of the wealthy?]
[Watching Daeju’s stream and chatting on that huge TV? This is paradise…]
(End of chapter)
Translation Notes:
1. (대주)Daeju’s intended meaning was supposed to be master lol.