It's a Gender-Reversed World, But I Don't Go Out Anyway - Chapter 38
Chapter 38: PUBG Mission
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[What game are you going to play?]
“Hmm… a game that’s good for missions?”
I wanted to try out the newly appeared feature more.
Of course, missions didn’t necessarily come just because I wanted to try them, but since missions were introduced, meaningless ones had been coming in occasionally.
For example, missions like getting 10,000 won for saying “I love you” while calling out their nickname or name. Or 10,000 won for recommending dinner. Missions with weird conditions because they felt awkward just giving 10,000 won. If I start up a game, wouldn’t missions related to the game come in?
[Isn’t PUBG good for missions? 10k won for chicken dinner]
[Let’s go Fall Guys]
[Let’s go LoL]
[Isn’t LoL kind of awkward for missions though? Victory? Kills?]
[Ah whatever, let’s go LoL!]
While there were many games good for missions, viewers generally preferred games where they were less likely to lose their money – in other words, difficult games or games the streamer wasn’t good at, or games where they could participate and interfere.
So three games were brought up as candidates.
First was PUBG, which I already had experience with. It was also a game I was relatively bad at, and viewers could participate in large numbers to interfere. If the mission was to get first place, while it could vary slightly depending on the map, it was a difficult game to win with so many participants.
Second was Fall Guys.
The game felt like an obstacle course, and with 60 participants, winning wasn’t easy. If viewers decided to interfere, it could become really chaotic.
Third was LoL.
I think I can skip the explanation for this one.
Our viewers’ thick support base recommended LoL. I don’t know what kind of mission they’d set, but they probably wouldn’t.
I was drawn to either PUBG or Fall Guys.
“What do you all think about these two?”
[Just do whatever you want]
[We’ll mess with you whatever you play]
[Rich kids with multiple bathrooms at home will give missions anyway lol]
[But PUBG voice chat is super annoying]
[??? I found it funny though]
Though I managed to narrow it down to two somehow, the viewers’ opinions wouldn’t converge. The person who broke this tight balance was unexpected.
“The editor says PUBG highlights got good views, so let’s do that~”
[Why the fuck did you ask us then?]
[Are YouTube subscribers that precious? What about us?]
[You will watch Daeju’s YouTube anyway]
[lol could’ve felt special if someone said we were precious]
[Is she a genius?]
For that reason, I was customizing my character after starting up PUBG when a mission came in.
[MilkissvsDeepkiss[1] has set a mission.]
[50,000 won for PUBG solo chicken dinner]
“Call, I’ll try it”
[Wow, the standard mission]
[Alright, it’s safe investment time.]
[What’s the interest rate here?]
[Minimum -10% lol]
[Oh nice lol gotta invest right now]
Whether they were certain I absolutely couldn’t get first place or they simply wanted to donate to me even if it was just 10%, the mission amount was rising quickly. Even when I was flustered and told them to calm down a bit, it seemed to trigger the viewers’ contrarian psychology and the rising speed got even faster.
The mission amount, steadily increasing by 10,000 or 20,000 won, rapidly rose to almost 800,000 won.
“No way… even if I fail, that’s a nice amount at this point?”
Even at just 10% for failing, it was a huge sum of 80,000 won, and if, just if, I managed to get chicken dinner, first place, I could get the massive sum of 800,000 won.
[Don’t tell me Daeju’s nostrils are flaring right now, salivating at the thought of winning 800,000 won? How unsightly.]
[We can hear your excited nose breathing from here~]
[Nice, please continue]
[Actually, I like it too.]
“Listen everyone, when money’s involved, people get serious. Going into serious mode.”
[Oh~ what a weeb~?]
[Whether it’s serious mode or drunk mode, Daeju is just a walking goblin.]
[Still, I hope Daeju does well, hope he gets second place haha]
With such a large sum of 800,000 won at stake, I was incomparably more tense than usual.
Far from getting better, my mouse hand felt like it had turned to stone, frozen in place… I even had the presumptuous thought of wondering if pro gamers felt this kind of tension too. The game was quickly matched.
The map was Miramar. An overall orange-tinted map mostly filled with sand and Grand Canyon-like orange mountains and rocks.
If there was a good point about this map, maybe it was that enemy detection was relatively easy even for me with my race horse-level narrow vision.
Relatively easy, that is.
It doesn’t mean I’m good at spotting them. And even if I spot them, I wasn’t confident I could hit them.
“Everyone, since money’s involved, you absolutely cannot go easy!”
This wasn’t just said for fairness.
It was also to prevent any possible controversy that might arise.
If in a game with 800,000 won at stake, viewers snipe and intentionally let themselves die? And if because of that I win and take the mission money, this would definitely cause controversy.
That can’t happen.
[Wait, are you seriously aiming for victory?]
[lololololol he could try though, why not lololol ah lololololol]
[The one splitting hairs is the worst]
[But Daeju got quite a few kills last time]
[He is just the worst streamer who only killed viewers lol]
[I… only kill my viewers…]
[Oh~ sounds like a trash-tier streamer~]
“This time is really different.”
As the game started, I aimed my parachute towards what looked like the safest spot where no one would land – a place with about three small houses clustered together.
Then I heard the sound of a parachute opening above me.
“Ah is this a viewer? No way, why land here!”
[Must be a coward like you]
[No… ah.. right…]
[Tried to say something but gave up lol]
The good thing was that I would land before the opponent. The concerning point was that since the houses I was landing at were so small, there might only be secondary weapons instead of guns, or there might not be any weapons at all. In other words, even if I landed first, if I was unlucky, they might get a weapon first and attack me.
“Please please please!”
As soon as I landed, I opened the door of the uppermost small house.
There was no gun visible, but there was a helmet, kevlar vest, and a frying pan. I picked up the melee weapon frying pan and headed towards the house where the opponent landed. I approached hoping the opponent would have even less equipment than me, but in my head I was just wishing they would be as poorly equipped as me. Unfortunately, I heard the distinctive sound of a shotgun being loaded one shell at a time.
[Run away!!]
[Run away quick]
[Ah lol you’re not going to get that 800k! Run quickly!]
I was going to run away at first too, but one particularly short chat caught my eye.
Chicken? Chicken?
“Never chickening out!”
[As expected;; Forbes selected ‘chicken?’ as the word that killed the most people ;;]
[Going up against a shotgun with a melee weapon lol]
[Just dodge the bullets…]
[Will he become the Mushin[2] Daeju, or just a crazy bastard…]
I vaulted through the window of the house where I heard the loading sound, and whether it was because of the breaking glass sound or because of the crazy play of approaching a shotgun with a frying pan, the opponent was startled and shot in a completely wrong direction. The problem was there were still some shells left.
But there was a good point for me too.
“Hey, they’re close! This is doable!”
[The shotgun being close is good for them too]
[lol for real]
[Free kill rolling in lol]
[Probably die on the second shot]
While stumbling back in panic, the opponent prepared their next shot, and I was closing the distance while swinging the frying pan left and right.
And here came the second shot, if I could just survive this it would be doable. If they just didn’t hit my head, maybe I’d survive? Cruelly, the shotgun barrel was aimed precisely at my head and-
With a clang, the frying pan blocked the bullet.
[What is the opponent doing!]
[Deflected the bullet like tennis lol]
[What is this, Captain Frying Pan!]
“Ah fuck! Shit game!”
This wasn’t my voice.
It was the frustrated voice of the sniping viewer.
“Now this is gaming!”
Right after that, with a thud of getting hit by my frying pan, their head burst and the viewer became a corpse.
[lololololololol viewer super mad]
[Daeju just lost another viewer]
[The man who loses viewers every time he plays PUBG]
[The frying pan blocks shotgun lol]
[So satisfying seeing the sniper die lol]
After the storm passed, now I really started looting steadily.
Of course, I absolutely didn’t go to dangerous places. After getting a car from the road, I thoroughly only looted unremarkable houses that people probably wouldn’t have gone to, steadily gathering equipment bit by bit.
[Why are you only looting one-room houses similar to your own?]
[Let’s loot somewhere bigger. We’re not getting any items.]
“That ‘chicken’ taunt doesn’t work anymore. Do you know how much money is on this game!”
[Don’t worry everyone, I’m from the future and he gets the 4th place lol]
[If you’re from the future tell us about stocks instead you crazy bi*ch]
While I was busy looting, the circle had shrunk a lot, and since fights seemed fierce in city-like areas where many people gathered, survivors were already down to ten people. In other words, hope for victory was starting to appear for me too.
[Just by how he talks, he already has a ‘my money’ mindset?]
[Waah I’m a middle schooler Big Package Squad, buy me ice cream if you win]
[Why are you in Big Package Squad when you’re in middle school you little sh*t, live your life right]
[lol students should go watch pure Minecraft streams over there f*ck off lol]
[How can you wander the dark side at such a young age!]
My weapons hadn’t improved much, just an M4 rifle and the shotgun from the viewer I fought at the start.
I had enough bullets and meds, but no scope or magnification for long-range attacks. If I were to engage in combat, I’d need to be within at least medium range to hit anything.
“Ah there’s someone over there?”
While slowly moving crouched following the circle’s position, I spotted an enemy hiding behind a rock.
It was a bit far, but the enemy’s body was completely exposed to me from behind as they were watching only to the right, seemingly wary of someone else.
“Should I shoot…?”
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(End of Chapter)
1. “Milkiss vs Deepkiss” – A play on words. Milkis is a popular Korean soft drink, and the username combines it with a kissing reference.
2. “Mushin” (ë¬´ì‹ ) – Literally means “god of martial arts”
3. “kkb” (ㄲㅂ) – Korean internet slang, short for “êº¼ì ¸ ë³‘ì‹ ” meaning “get lost, idiot”