It's a Gender-Reversed World, But I Don't Go Out Anyway - Chapter 39
Chapter 39: Mission Failed
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“Wow, look at that silenced sniper rifle…”
I’d been stalking from far behind, watching like a stalker.
What I learned was that she was well-farmed with perfect equipment, both guns and armor, and judging by her movements, she seemed to be one of the skilled players.
[Looks so damn delicious lololol Hey, let’s just shoot her lol]
[Looks like Daeju lolol]
[But seeing how she keeps moving instead of staying still, she seems pretty good?]
[That’s exactly why we should take her out now.]
If not for an opportunity like this, it probably wouldn’t be possible to kill her.
Even now, as I picked up the sniper rifle and took a shot with the silencer’s soft pop, another kill log appeared in the upper right corner. The dead player’s nickname was ‘DaejuLoveCountryLove’.
[Avenge her ã… ã… ã… ã… ]
[Why would Daeju avenge her lolol]
[Gotta avenge her since she stole his kill]
[Fr fr it’s an unwritten rule that only Daeju gets to kill the viewers]
“Let me close the distance quietly first.”
Though it was within shooting range, given my current equipment situation without a high-powered scope, I wasn’t confident in hitting targets at long range. Crouching down, I carefully moved from rock to rock, hill to hole, somehow gradually closing the distance while trying not to be spotted.
Occasionally when I looked back to check behind me, hurriedly lying down behind rocks to hide felt just like playing Red Light, Green Light.
Whether this reduced distance would actually let me kill her remained to be seen, but at least I was now confident I could land a shot.
I wanted to get closer, but since it seemed like the play zone was about to shrink, the opponent also started looking back more frequently, making it difficult to move any further.
“I’ll throw a flashbang and while she’s blinded, I’ll headshot her!”
[What a terrible plan, 1 point]
[Planning to shoot for the head while pretending to be flashed even if you don’t get flashed…]
[You know what it’s called when a king falls?]
[King Kong?]
[Where the hell is there a King Kong in this world, you idiot]
[? What the hell]
Even I didn’t think it was a particularly good plan, but the remaining players were steadily decreasing, and if I was destined to fight this opponent anyway, this was the optimal opportunity. I held the flashbang and waited for a moment before throwing it behind the opponent.
I briefly turned away to avoid the flashbang’s light, and when it exploded—
“Ah, scared me!”
With a bang! it turned the opponent into dust.
[You killed an enemy with a grenade!]
[2 kills]
[You said it was a flashbang!! A flashbang!!]
[Wow, do grenades these days just go ‘poof’ when they explode?]
[Flashbang (Not)]
[Damn lololololol even getting kills like this]
“…You saw that? That’s how good I am.”
[Yeah saw that mess lololol]
[Heard your surprised yelp too]
[Why are you being so shameless]
[1 minute ago: I’ll throw a flashbang and while she’s blinded, I’ll headshot her]
I tried to play it off naturally, but that seemed impossible.
When I opened my inventory, I realized I hadn’t even picked up any flashbangs in the first place – it was full of molotovs and grenades. Come to think of it, while I remember seeing them, I don’t remember picking any up.
Still, since the result was good, isn’t it fine somehow?
The problem came next.
“Ah… wouldn’t everyone be looking this way because of the grenade explosion?”
I wanted to loot the corpse for guns, healing items, and armor, but because I’d killed her so flashily, I was sure everyone would be looking this way. While it looked like an empty wasteland on the surface, people were probably all like me, hiding behind convenient rocks, waiting for the right timing while checking others’ movements.
That’s when I witnessed something rather unexpected.
“No way, that thief?”
[lololololol corpse NTR is creative]
[Ah lolol saying they’ll use it and give it back lolol]
[What are you doing hurry up and shoot them dead]
[Look at those sticky fingers? Huh?]
[Those who wish to become thieves, to me…]
Some weirdo ran to the corpse I’d killed and was busy picking up items.
I thought others might shoot, but there was no sign of that.
This wasn’t the time to wait for grenades or others’ gunfire. If I left them alone, that thief would completely loot my kill and get good equipment as a windfall – just thinking about it made my stomach hurt.
I picked up my rifle and carefully aimed at their head. Unlike the enemy I killed with the grenade, this thief wasn’t particularly skilled, just staying still while looting.
“I can do this… I can do this…”
[Looking at this you’d think he’s doing something really impressive]
[Just shoot already you little sh*t]
[This guy really needs to stream this carefully ?]
[In case you forgot, let me remind you that left mouse click is the fire button ^^]
After taking a deep breath, I started firing.
The first and second bullets hit the target. Though not the head I was aiming for, I could tell they hit from the blood spurting from the opponent’s body. Riding the momentum, I kept firing, but unable to control the recoil, the bullets were wasted on the sand on the ground and nearby rocks.
[Wow;;; killed 3 rocks;; such a pro]
[Daeju, how can you hit anything with that bouncing recoil?]
[Really terrible shooting. Should we make them wear a bomb collar and shoot like a bee risking its life to sting?]
[lolol aims at the head then pulls the mouse down to body and shoots lololol]
“No way, they’re so good!”
[You’re the one who’s terrible?]
[Why did both of you dump all 30 bullets at once instead of controlling the recoil and shooting in bursts??]
[30-bullet burst OMG]
[Both shooting 30 bullets and only hitting 2 at the start is legendary OMG;;;]
I was much worse than I thought. But so was the opponent. So my choice was to switch to a shotgun and get a bit closer. The opponent seemed to have the same idea – we both held shotguns and got closer bit by bit as we fired—
As a result, we both got really close while being completely battered.
[Legendary OMG]
[A fight where shotguns miss everything while neither dodges]
[Damn it you two get out of PUBG]
[Don’t curse at our Daeju, he’s not a game streamer]
“How about a melee fight? Actually, I only did knife fights in Sudden Attack?”
At least I was much more confident in this than shooting.
But the opponent’s stance was weird. They were holding the same frying pan as me, but the way they held it looked like they were about to throw a grenade.
[Hey hey hey]
[Move quickly]
Suddenly the opponent took a stance and threw the frying pan they were holding.
[You died from Water Mist’s thrown weapon.]
“What the hell!!!”
[God-tier game]
[Rest in peace…]
[Honestly I was worried he might complete the mission]
[Ah if he’d won this. it would’ve been top 2]
It was frustrating enough to miss out on the 800,000 won mission reward right in front of my eyes, but dying to a thrown melee weapon that seemed avoidable if I’d known about it felt too unfair.
“No… my money…”
[What do you mean your money lol Since you failed it’s our money]
[Ah lolol well 10% will be yours~]
[You got an 80,000 won donation congratulations~^^]
[Wow!~ So jealous~]
“I quit! I quit! Who made this garbage game! This crazy dogsh*t game!”
[High praise]
[I love it most when Daeju gets mad ah lolol guaranteed sweet dreams]
[lolol I’m clipping this for my laugh bell for the next 2 months]
[Don’t get mad lol You lost cause you’re bad ^^]
After that, I talked with viewers for a little over 20 minutes before ending the stream, but my mind kept going back to the missed mission reward and that thrown weapon.
[I bet 100,000 won on today’s mission but couldn’t watch cause something urgent came up]
Did he complete the mission?
– As if lolol
ã„´ Fr fr safe bet
ã„´ But honestly got nervous when he made it to top 3, right?
– Failed but the stream was funny so watch the VOD
ã„´ Actually isn’t Daeju really good at games but holds back for the stream?
ㄴ No he’s just bad
ã„´ So blunt lol are you a bitter gourd?[1]
ã„´ Making such outdated jokes you pumpkin-faced b*tch[1]
ã„´ F*ck you
After ending the stream, I found one email waiting and checked it.
The email said they were sending a package as a token of gratitude but…
“Gratitude? Who would be grateful to me?”
First of all, judging by how unusually normal and polite the email was, it wasn’t from a viewer.
And when I checked if I’d ever contacted this email before—
“No way… the sponsor…”
It was that game where I spectacularly failed the gacha on livestream and made the atmosphere weird.
But they’re sending me a thank-you package? What could they be thinking of sending?
Moreover, the email said it would arrive the next day, and they also asked if I would be interested in accepting advertising on slightly better terms than before.
Should I accept it?
…The hesitation disappeared cleanly when I thought about the mission reward I’d just missed.
I accepted the advertising offer.
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(End of Chapter)
1. The joke about “bitter gourd” (단호박, danho-bak) is a wordplay on being blunt/firm (단호, danho) and pumpkin (호박, hobak).