It's a Gender-Reversed World, But I Don't Go Out Anyway - Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Gold
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[This Streamer is So Se*xy]
(Video of Daeju eating ice cream)
This guy definitely planned this, right?
Who eats with their mic this close? Don’t people usually keep it far away to avoid getting food on it?
And who deep-throats a Heat Hunter ice cream like that? This is 100% intentional.
Such a Se*xy bastard!
– But I heard he doesn’t have AC? Anyway, agree he’s Se*xy
– FR this has a 1-hour version on YouTube
– The actual ice cream eating was less than 2 minutes but they made it into a 1-hour version lol
– Today’s stream was legendary. When someone donated 20,000 won asking to be insulted, he just straight-up cursed her out lol
– TBH he’s pretty hot for a guy streamer
ã„´ As I keep saying, it’s not good news that we find him attractive lol
ã„´ Are we ashamed of ourselves?
ã„´ Yes
ã„´ Teacher, let’s be ashamed together.
While the message boards were burning up with discussions about me, I was preparing for my rank promotion match to Gold.
As the game matched up and I read through the nicknames, thankfully there weren’t any obvious stream snipers on our team. I had been worried about seeing nicknames referencing Yeonhee’s body parts again, so that was one worry off my mind.
The question was whether there were any snipers on the enemy team…
“Huh? Caitlyn ban? What?”
“No way…”
[That’s so obvious]
[LOL they banned Caitlyn?]
[Such blatant sex appeal…]
[LOL people ban Caitlyn these days too]
This deserved reasonable suspicion.
“I think this might be a stream sniper…”
“I thought the Caitlyn ban seemed strange.”
“I’m sorry…”
“No, it’s fine. Overcoming stream snipers is part of being a streamer.”
[Info) Yeonhee has never overcome stream sniping.]
[Info) Daeju has revealed himself to be well-endowed]
[This chat only provides useful information^^]
With Caitlyn banned, I was going to pick my second most confident pick, Ezreal, but—
“They banned Ez too?”
[LOL they banned everything you played on stream]
[Complete lockdown lol]
[Daeju all tied up… this is making me drool]
[Just one bite~~]
“Surely there aren’t two snipers…?”
I currently had 250 viewers.
That was quite high, but many of them were probably here just to see who was streaming with Yeonhee, the corporate streamer, so my actual regular viewers were probably just slightly more than yesterday’s 100. Could two of them have successfully sniped into the enemy team?
While it wasn’t impossible…
“How are they sniping when I turned off the screen and delayed?”
[Um… should mention now that we could hear everything]
[LOL why tell him now when we need to snipe next time too]
[RIP awareness]
“Ah… they probably heard the sound of me switching screens. Sorry, Yeonhee.”
“Haha… these things happen!”
[Yeonhee’s fake laugh is so obvious lol]
[Who actually laughs ‘haha’ like that, it’s so obviously fake lol]
[Some people do]
In the end, the stream sniping was my fault.
Making a mental note to mute the sound next time, I looked through other ADC champions.
The reason I stuck to Caitlyn and Ezreal was that even in disadvantageous situations, their long-range attacks and skills allowed me to farm CS and earn gold, which could lead to a potential comeback.
Honestly, I also just liked being a coward who attacked from far away.
Still, I never thought I’d see the day where both Caitlyn and Ezreal would be banned, so my mouse wandered aimlessly over the ADC champion portraits.
There were other champions with decent range, but I wasn’t confident in my mastery of them. And I didn’t want to pick something I wasn’t confident with when this was my first Gold promotion match in years…
“Um… is there any braindead champion that’s easy and strong? With long range, high damage, but hard to kill… haha”
[If there was, we’d all be using it lol]
[He’s laughing at how ridiculous his own request is lol]
[Yeonhee just hit her forehead trying not to laugh]
[2021 forehead reboot OMG]
My wandering mouse stopped at one spot.
It stopped on that champion I had been so reluctant to acknowledge.
[No way our fundamental ADC player would… nah…]
[Ah~ selling your soul to the devil?]
The viewers started criticizing before I even locked in. Yet my mouse wouldn’t move away. My cursor remained fixed on Sivir’s portrait, a champion with good range, solid damage, and unexpectedly good survivability.
“Oops, suddenly lag!”
[What are you doing?]
[Is this your audition for Best Actor?]
[Even Daeju, who was steadily gaining viewers, is heading for rock bottom.]
When I picked Sivir, comments about “fake ADC” and “rock bottom” flooded the chat.
Unexpectedly, Yeonhee came to my defense.
“What’s wrong with playing a fake ADC? A Silver player trying to get to Gold can use whatever works!”
[Is that so?]
[Is that so?]
[Our Daeju did nothing wrong!]
[Yeah, better Gold with fake ADC than stuck in Silver]
While the viewers were processing this, Yeonhee followed up Sivir by picking Karma, a utility champion.
Though not particularly tanky, she was considered high-tier among utility supports due to her movement speed-granting shield, decent damage output, and CC abilities.
Of course, like all utility supports, she was very pilot-dependent, requiring skilled hands to be effective.
“I’m a Karma master.”
When someone says that about themselves, you have to believe them, right?
[This guy who went 1/7/2 with Karma last time is a master…?]
[FR couldn’t land a single Q, only shielded himself]
[You idiots, she’s not saying she’s a master, she’s flirting with Daeju by saying she wants to meet his parents lol]
[Dating expert right here OMG]
I decided to ignore the chat.
Then the enemy bottom lane combo was revealed, and it was even more horrific.
Swei and Zac.
[LOL these guys brought fake ADC too]
[WTF are they doing in sacred bot lane]
[No ADCs in this game lol]
[Is this really Silver elo?]
“At this point, aren’t I more traditional?”
[Can’t deny that]
[But we still want to see you lose, Daeju]
[Can’t deny that either]
As the game started, I checked the nicknames of the bot duo who had banned Caitlyn and Ezreal.
[DaejuOnebitePlz], [GiveMeSomeDaeju] – they were quite elaborate.
“I’m not losing to those bastards…”
[Those names are a mess]
[They get to play with Daeju with names like that? Is this se*x?]
[No, just stream sniping]
[Please lose please lose please lose please lose please lose please lose please lose please lose please lose please lose]
After buying Doran’s Blade, I was waiting in the bush for leash when Yeonhee, who was waiting slightly ahead, spotted the enemy first.
“These bas… these people are invading, Daeju.”
[Looks like Yeonhee almost floored it but caught herself lol]
[She already said ‘bas’, isn’t it too late?]
“Hey, money’s walking right to us~”
[Free gold]
[Can’t pass this up lol]
Seeing the invading enemy team, Yeonhee’s Karma landed her Q. Thanks to the slow, the enemy team seemed to give up and return to their jungle, or so we thought.
“What, trying to give us more money?”
They came back for another invasion attempt. The difference was that someone was missing. Normally the top laner would be missing, but the issue was that Renekton, their top laner, was visible. So who was missing?
Suddenly, a champion popped into my head. The green jelly-like blob wasn’t visible.
“Free money~”
“Yeonhee, watch out for Za—”
“Ah what!”
[First Blood!]
“…ah… um… Zac had no Flash…”
[100,000 won stream sniper right there lol immediately throws]
[Gave 400 gold to enemy top trying to earn 20 gold lol]
[After giving First Blood to enemy top she should apologize to our top, but she’s going on about Flash]
[Top laner’s feelings exploded OMG]
“No, it’s fine! It’s okay since it was given to top anyway!”
[Forgot that Daeju isn’t normal either]
[You call that consolation?]
[World’s worst bot duo born]
[A shocking true story that moved the world]
After leashing and returning to lane, the enemy Swei and Zac, probably thinking they’d already won, started using emotes to taunt us. Maybe they were just doing it because they were stream sniping.
With our superior range for harassment with Karma and Sivir, we didn’t need to get riled up by such emotes – we could just slowly chip away at their health while calmly farming CS.
Well, that was the plan.
“Ah these bastards are so annoying!”
“No, Yeonhee, calm down!”
[What’s with this mindless Level 1 Karma rush?]
[Did she think she became Renekton after giving him First Blood?]
[I really want to punch her in the solar plexus just once.]
Yeonhee, provoked by the taunts, suddenly started attacking Swei and Zac with a mix of Q’s and auto-attacks. I ended up joining the fight by throwing my boomerang.
But then
“Oh? This is working?”
“Die! Die!”
[What? Why are we winning?]
[Am I… strong?]
[Well, Zac and Swei are weak at Level 1 while Sivir and Karma are strong lol]
[But this girl’s personality completely changes when playing League lol]
[Double Kill!]
[Both sides used all their summoner spells]
Though it seemed like we took unnecessary damage at the start, we managed to secure the kills thanks to the Ignite advantage and our champions’ early game strength. The gold difference was already significant, and moreover.
“Let’s push the lane.”
Since Swei had trouble last-hitting under tower in the early game, we kept pushing the wave.
[Zac’s CSing better than Swei lol]
[What’s the enemy jungler doing, not ganking bot?]
[Giving what needs to be given!]
[Looks like they’re heavily ganking top instead?]
“What the hell, top has 5 deaths already!”
Yeonhee shouted.
But before we could dwell on that—
[I’m just a mid-only noble but almost cursed out identifying with top]
[Everyone resist the emotional manipulation! Stop!]
[She’s trying to get us to curse too lol]
[FR I was originally unemployed but started working part-time just to curse at her lol]
“Daeju, should I give them a stern talking to about throwing?”
“Haha… they’re trying their best, let’s leave them be…”
[This is ridiculous lol]
[Look at Daeju’s awkward laugh lol]
[Daeju, should we give them a stern talking to?]
[Already did, got kicked after saying ‘your father’]
[You deserved that]
As Yeonhee was saying this, my viewer count started climbing rapidly.
[Want to keep watching the stream but don’t want to watch from her room so came here.]
[Um… hello… could I have a seat?]
[There’s no seat here for viewers from that woman’s stream.]
[I’ll stay even without a seat haha…]
500 viewers.
A whole 500 viewers were watching my stream. I mentally thanked Yeonhee. Could she have acted that way on purpose for this? Is this how corporate streamers naturally send viewers to others?
“Why is this my fault! I died once while our top died five times!”
“Ssup… maybe not?”
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(End of Chapter)