The three idiots who couldn't become heroes are preparing a man's meal today as well. - Chapter 49
By the way, the comment section has been enabled, I forgot to turn them on, tehee
Episode 49: The Sister
Surrounded by a lively swarm of children, I sat facing Nakajima.
There was absolutely no tension—this place felt just like a daycare.
“Welcome back, Leader. How was it?”
“That’s my line. We hunted more than usual this time—enough that we won’t need to go out for a while.”
“Kita, you’re staying for a while?!”
“Ahh, sorry about that. We don’t just need meat—we need to make money too. So, we’ll be heading out again next week.”
The children let out a chorus of complaints, but this couldn’t be helped.
The support provided by Lady Iris and the Fortia family, as well as the Walker Guild, was strictly for business purposes.
It wasn’t specifically for us, Hearty Eater.
A noble contracting a party or clan wasn’t unusual, but if they outright funded us as patrons, it wouldn’t look good.
And since the Walker Guild was also involved, there would be even more backlash: “Why are these guys getting special treatment?!”
Because of that, using the support funds for Hearty Eater itself was strictly forbidden.
If we weren’t careful, we could be accused of embezzlement.
The funds could only be used for the children and staff’s living expenses, food, and housing costs.
As long as it was to improve their quality of life, we could renovate the buildings, buy better food, and so on.
For example, we could even set up a dwarven workshop under the excuse of “teaching the children blacksmithing skills,” and the costs would be approved.
And whatever we produced in that workshop? We could sell it or use it ourselves.
If the children made something as part of a lesson, that was different. But if they made something individually and gave it to us as a gift, it would be considered a personal exchange, not part of the business.
Honestly, adults are sneaky.
As for expenses, the orphanage mainly needed funds for taxes, food, daily necessities, and staff salaries.
The support from the Fortia family was more than enough, and the Walker Guild apparently sent us money regularly as well.
Even after covering all expenses, there was still surplus cash.
Of course, they warned us every year that this wouldn’t last forever.
Still, since we weren’t allowed to waste money, we also had to generate income within the orphanage.
The children created crafts in their lessons, infused them with magic in separate classes, and then sold the products.
Since we had a highly skilled blacksmith and a witch teaching them, the sales were solid.
The kids used silver clay to make accessories and enchanted them with practical magic.
Sure, the designs were a bit clumsy or childish, but they were still functional.
If the number of children increased, Nakajima even joked about capturing Daikonmaru and selling high-quality food products.
Seriously, this guy.
This orphanage was already turning a profit from the moment it was established.
Of course, that was largely thanks to the Fortia family’s backing.
Anyway, our role as Hearty Eater was to secure food.
And if we wanted to train the kids to become Walkers, we needed to provide field instruction.
In short, our job was to cook meals and train recruits.
The Fortia family provided land, buildings, and money.
The Walker Guild provided funds and found simple jobs suitable for children.
Basically, it was structured like a home-based business.
That’s the rough outline of how this place operated.
I didn’t know the finer details—I left that to the smart guys.
“This week, we’ve taken in three more people. A boy named Noin as a ‘training candidate,’ his mother as an employee, and her infant as a ‘special care’ case. The last one is more of a temporary daycare situation while she’s working. For that, Shiro-san is taking care of him.”
The special care designation.
Honestly, I came up with it on a whim.
It was basically for kids who were too young to be put through training, like, “No! You can’t make them fight!”
The youngest of the orphanage, in other words.
“That’s surprisingly few. I thought we’d get more from the slums.”
“It’s probably because of the rumors about magic beast meat and us. Only those who truly have no other option come here. Well, that works for us. If we suddenly got a flood of kids, we wouldn’t have enough staff to handle them.”
Since there were children present, he only called it rumors.
But Hearty Eater had all sorts of rumors swirling around.
The crazy group that eats magic beast meat—which was actually true, so there was no helping it.
That we devour tainted flesh, sacrifice ourselves for research, and receive compensation from the government—also true, though we didn’t see it as sacrifice.
And if the results of our research ever confirmed that “Magic beast meat is safe to eat,” we’d be discarded.
We couldn’t rely on this income forever.
Then there was the next rumor.
That Hearty Eater was gathering children to test the effects of magic beast meat, selling the data to the government, and using the funds to bring in more test subjects.
I hate to admit it, but I couldn’t exactly deny that one.
We didn’t see the kids as test subjects, but we were feeding them magic beast meat.
And our staff as well.
And yes, we did submit the test results and receive money for it.
Wait a second.
Could this place actually be the Demon Lord’s Castle people whisper about?
Other rumors said we conducted human experiments, forced people into overwork, or even fattened up children to eat them.
Those were baseless, of course.
“So, the number of children remains at five, with two new additions and one extra employee. That’s the current status. The new staff member is doing well. The Sisters in particular have been taking great care of everyone.”
“Ahh, yeah… sure.”
I responded vaguely.
Well, as long as things were running smoothly, that was all that mattered.
Even though we now had to make even more money and gather even more meat.
“Kita! Is today a feast?!”
“When Kita comes back, it’s barbecue night!”
“I want steak!”
“Fried chicken! Do we have chicken today?!”
“Oh! We bought rice today, so it’s gonna be fancy!”
The kids were all talking over each other, so I just patted their heads one by one in order.
So this is what it’s like to have kids around, huh?
“Alright, got it. I’ll check in with the branch chief tomorrow and discuss things.”
“Something troubling you?”
Damn, he was quick.
Or rather, too quick.
Lately, Nakajima has been reminding me of Sebastian, the perfect butler.
Not that I was complaining.
“It’s nothing serious, really. But thinking about the future, I want to take action now.”
“I’ll ask about it later. Thank you for your hard work, Leader.”
With those words, Nakajima bowed his head.
Ah, seriously, why did the royal palace just toss out such a capable guy?
He’s not just an ace salesman—he’s working like a top-tier administrator.
I mean, considering he started a business and immediately turned a profit, he might be the most reliable one among us ‘otherworld members.’
I walked down the hallway, leading the children along.
And then, up ahead—
“Oh my, Kitayama-sama. I was wondering why things were so noisy, but you had returned, I see. I’m so glad you’re safe.”
“A-ah yea…”
There stood a Sister, the very picture of purity.
This was one of the “hardworking Sisters” Nakajima had mentioned in his report.
Well, not that there were many—there were only two in total.
One was an elderly grandmother, and the other was… this one.
Her name was a bit unusual, and apparently, she was just over twenty.
She had an extremely well-proportioned figure and a face that could captivate anyone who laid eyes on her.
With her pale blonde hair and deep, vivid blue eyes, she was the very image of a delicate and beautiful Sister.
And yet—
“Everyone, we’re having a barbecue today, so why don’t you go help with the preparations in the garden? We mustn’t trouble Kitayama-sama with everything, alright?”
With that, the children ran off.
Please, don’t go.
Don’t leave me alone with her.
For the record, the other employees were the wives of those affected by the “Hero’s first battle” incident.
Even so, there were those who had issues with ‘magical beast meat’ or had other skills and chose not to stay.
In the end, we only gathered three from that group, and the last one was an old lady from the slums who came seeking food.
They all had experience raising children and could teach reading and writing, so hiring them wasn’t an issue, but… this one was different.
The church had gotten cocky ever since they summoned their so-called “Saint.”
However, the place she came from was incredibly poor, a church that had been cast aside due to faction conflicts.
That was why she had come to us for help.
“Kitayama-sama. Since you’ve come back, you should have visited me first, you know. Surely, you’ve built up quite a bit…?”
“You’re not wrong, but should a Sister really be saying that…?”
“As I said before, my job is to provide salvation. I have no debt or obligation to any so-called god.”
“What even is a Sister anymore…?”
And this is the problem.
This woman—her dirty jokes and brutal honesty are just too much.
And the way she phrases things always hits me right where it hurts, like she’s got a talent for it.
Well, thanks to someone like her being around, a few of the children here were saved.
Other churches would never have allowed them to eat magical beast meat.
And, to my surprise, orphanages exist in this world too.
Of course, it was the church she belonged to.
But apparently, it was in a truly terrible state.
They barely received any support, either from the country or their own church.
For food, they had to scavenge the marketplace for discarded, nearly rotten vegetables.
She had to bow her head, even kneel, just to secure them.
The children there grew thinner and thinner, and many were cremated within a single year.
Only three children survived from that church.
That was all that remained.
“A warm bed, proper clothing, and delicious meals. With all that provided, and the children growing up healthy under your care, Kitayama-sama, how could I not give you everything I have?”
“No, no, you should stay pure—you’re a Sister! Why are you coming at me with maxed-out lust?! At this rate, it’s not even a joke anymore—someone’s actually going to attack me!”
“Oh my, I wouldn’t mind right now, you know?”
With that, the Sister started lifting the hem of her skirt.
I quickly grabbed it and pulled it back down.
Just how many times have I had to do this with her already?
For the record, her stance on magical beast meat is: “If eating it means surviving, then I’ll eat anything.”
Some people are saved by believing in God.
But not everyone is.
God didn’t save them.
But ‘Hearty Eater’ did.
That wasn’t some divine salvation—it was the result of our efforts.
And the result of their perseverance, enduring until now.
Sister, isn’t this the kind of moment where you say, “Let us give thanks to God”?
Also, why does the Sister I hired immediately start lifting her skirt?
That said, in front of the children and other people, she acts perfectly proper.
Meanwhile, the old lady Sister I hired is always a model of common sense.
How did this happen?
“Seriously, stop. I really won’t be able to hold back.”
“I’ll be waiting for that moment.”
With a soft, elegant smile, Kua walked off in the direction the children had gone.
Then, as if suddenly remembering something, she turned back.
“Oh, one more thing—I forgot to mention. I’m a virgin, so please be gentle with me at first.”
Leaving those words behind, she disappeared down the hall.
“…What the hell with that womannnnnnn!”
Why, why does everyone keep messing with this old man?
I know I have no money, no charm, and a plain, unremarkable face.
And because they know that, they enjoy watching my reactions.
Damn it! Damn it all!
One day, I’ll get rich, and I’ll shake a bundle of cash while saying, “Hah! Who wants to marry me now?”
…Except this world doesn’t even have paper money, so that dream was doomed from the start.
“Haa… Haaa…”
Leaning against the corner of the hallway, I let out a deep breath.
Did it go well? Judging by his reaction, I’d like to think it did…
If I can bring him and I closer together, the children will be saved.
That’s why, even if it means sacrificing myself, I can’t afford to let our connection with “Hearty Eater” be severed.
If I just manage to tie myself to “Hearty Eater’s” leader, then… That was what I had thought.
“Why won’t he make a move on me…?”
Is it because I lack charm?
Compared to Lady Airi, who often visits, or Lady Minami, Lady Shiro, and Lady Annabelle, who stay here regularly, I suppose my build and appearance are lacking.
But I have been approached in town before.
There were countless times when men told me to offer my body in exchange for food, or that they would support me if I spent a night with them.
Even nobles have said such things to me, so I thought it would be okay to have at least a little confidence in myself…
And yet, he never takes the bait.
Worse, every time I try, he just scolds me.
“I don’t have time to be hesitating like this… And yet, even so—”
There is no such thing as pure altruism.
That is the conclusion I have reached through my own life experiences.
But if that’s the case, then what do they want?
They rescued us from the church, provided us with a place to live, and yet they ask for nothing in return.
There has to be some kind of catch. It would be strange if there wasn’t.
And yet, there isn’t the slightest sign of them wanting anything.
I thought maybe we were just test subjects for their experiments on magic beast meat, but they eat it just like we do.
I thought maybe they’d demand my body, but even when I offer, they just reprimand me.
What… are they?
“Could they truly be… honorable people?”
As soon as the words left my lips, I shook my head.
No. Don’t be fooled. Don’t let yourself be swayed.
There is no such thing as someone who simply helps others for nothing in return.
Looking after me and the children must cost them a considerable amount of money.
Even the clothes we were given were brand new and enchanted with various magic.
With such lavish and special treatment, I need to uncover what it is they truly want.
I cannot let any more children die.
“You can do this! Keep it together, me! I have to read another erotic book today and study!”
Taking a determined breath, the sister stood up.
Unaware that all of her efforts were completely missing the mark, she once again continued her “studies.”
Oblivious to the fact that what they truly sought was something far bloodier, and far more peaceful.
“Anyway, let’s think about it while preparing dinner for everyone. Maybe he just has a peculiar taste in women.”
And so, once again, the leader of “Hearty Eater” suffered an undeserved misunderstanding.
One that, as a man, was frankly a little hard to bear.
Thus, another peaceful day passed at the orphanage.
TLN: Poor Kitayama….. That should be me goddamnit!!!!!