It's a Gender-Reversed World, But I Don't Go Out Anyway - Chapter 3
Chapter 3: LoL Stream
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Ezreal was undoubtedly one of the most representative ADC champions in League of Legends.
Regardless of the season, item patches, characteristics, or perhaps just the champion’s performance or the accumulated mastery and affection from playing Ezreal over time – whatever the reason, Ezreal has been loved by many people, and this season was no exception.
With first pick, I locked in Ezreal without hesitation. One of the reasons this character was beloved was that his base performance was solid enough that it didn’t matter much which champion the opponent picked.
Long range, short cooldown Q that counted as both an auto-attack and skill shot making it synergize well with various items. W that dealt significant bonus damage when landing auto-attacks or Q after hitting it. E skill that allowed movement while attacking. And an ultimate that could cross the entire map. With such a coveted skill set, there really couldn’t be any special counters.
If there was a counter, it would be your own fingers.
Q, W, and ult were all non-targeting skills, so you had to land them to deal damage.
Confident about landing them? Not at all.
But that’s why I’m in Silver.
After confidently locking in Ezreal first pick, it was the opponent’s turn.
“Hmm, the enemy bottom lane composition looks concerning.”
[Sivir and Xerath… this is going to be rough.]
[Already feeling suffocated]
[As expected of a Silver, immediately going for the fake ADC]
Sivir was classified as an ADC, but many ADC players had come to call her a fake ADC. The reason for this dishonorable title came from Sivir’s unique playstyle.
Known as the flower of ADC skills, it was the technique of maintaining distance from other champions while moving and occasionally stopping to make ranged auto-attacks. It might not sound like much when explained, but it wasn’t actually that easy.
At least, that’s how I felt as a Silver player.
While kiting was essential for most ADCs, Sivir was a bit different. Not that kiting wasn’t needed at all, but the real issue was with low-tier Sivir players. They barely used auto-attacks, instead playing by just throwing Q skills, which was a boomerang throwing technique.
Since the high-difficulty kiting technique was relatively less necessary, and most skills were intuitive and not difficult, Sivir was frequently picked in low tiers and showed decent results.
“Ah, this won’t be easy.”
[Isn’t Ezreal actually more advantageous??]
[You don’t know the Silver ecosystem. In Silver, Sivir is definitely better]
[How would you know about the Silver ecosystem;; Are you perhaps?]
“Is being Silver a crime?”
Seeing the atmosphere turn critical of what seemed to be my fellow Silver players, I tried to defend them.
[Look at these Silvers banding together]
[Losers are happy just seeing each other’s faces!]
That backfired.
[Sivir and Xerath is basically a bullet hell game.]
[What’s a bullet hell game?]
[Haven’t you played 1945 or Raiden?]
The enemy support Xerath was also the type to continuously shoot skills from long range, and when combined with Sivir, it would literally be like a bullet hell game.
Meanwhile, it was our support’s turn to pick, and while I was thinking about which champion would be good—
“Personally, I think Alistar or Lulu would be good.”
[Please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi please Yuumi]
[Alistar would be good but hopefully they don’t pick it.]
[In Silver it’s all damage supports. Who picks tank or utility supports here]
Our support ended up picking Yuumi.
[That damn cat’s here for ramen again.]
[But isn’t Yuumi kind of hot?]
[Teacher, please hold your breath for just 30 minutes]
[? Then I’d die]
[That’s exactly my point]
“Ah, hmm, Yuumi… this is a bit…”
Yuumi was basically a champion that stuck to ADCs to provide healing or attack enemies. Looking at her skills and ultimate, it didn’t seem bad, but since she had no hard CC before getting her ultimate and showed weakness in trades, she was quite divisive.
People say she’s good if played well, but I’d never met a Yuumi who played well, and besides, what champion wouldn’t be good under the premise of being played well?
For various reasons, most ADC users disliked Yuumi. Including me, of course.
[Well~ Since the master is good~]
[They might be a Yuumi expert]
[Expert (Silver)]
[Might need to add ‘baby’ between those letters]
“Let’s trust them for now… oh, what’s this?”
I hadn’t been paying attention while focusing on pick/ban, but somehow the viewers had exceeded 30 people. The goal for my first stream was to maintain 10 viewers until the end, but somehow I’d easily surpassed that goal.
The newcomers naturally caught on to the room’s atmosphere and started sending chat messages.
[Came here from the video~ Please insult me]
[Too many newcomers, let’s drive them out.]
[Complaining about newcomers on the first stream ;;]
[Asking to be insulted right after joining. Get in line]
“How could I insult my viewers? Haha. Now, focus on the game!”
I don’t know why they came, but as the viewers suddenly tripled, I started getting nervous. To make matters worse, the game started, and I bought a Tear of the Goddess item and 2 potions from the shop.
Normally I’d buy Doran’s Blade, called the fundamental item, but against a Sivir and Xerath composition – since they would constantly harass from range, I might lose half my HP if I tried to go forward for minion last hits.
So I chose Tear of the Goddess, which gradually replenishes mana to use skills for farming minions from a distance.
“Just need to play safe and farm”
[If it were me, I wouldn’t leash and would steal their blue buff instead.]
[That’s not right you f*cking b*tch]
[Are you a jungler?]
[How did you know?]
[The jungler sensitivity just exploded and gave it away?]
After helping leash red buff and coming down to bottom lane, Xerath shot his Q as if he’d been waiting.
In a direction where I wasn’t.
[Wow;; Looks like they caught a hidden Shaco]
[God-tier aim]
Not to be outdone, Sivir also threw her Q. This time in my lower direction. It wasn’t even close. I didn’t even need to dodge such obvious skill shots. Yet they kept getting hit by my Q every time I threw it.
“What’s this, are they going easy on me?”
[This is just Silver average]
[For real what do you expect from Silver lololol]
“No, I’ve been here for 4 years and know this isn’t normal…”
[4 years?]
[That’s legendary]
After that, and after that too, the enemy team’s skill shots were really groundless, and my attacks kept landing every time. How should I put it – even though we were in the same tier, it felt like I was smurfing. The only disappointing thing was that our support Yuumi’s skills were all missing too.
“Is this Iron or what?”
[Iron players spend 5 minutes looking up guides just to buy items]
[Come on~ who would do that]
[There’s one 30-something streamer who does]
“No trash talking TAS!”
Either way, the lane phase was unusually easy this time. Both enemy bottom laners had lost more than half their HP while we were almost full thanks to Yuumi’s heals. Moreover, since Yuumi didn’t need Flash as a support, she had Ignite and Exhaust, which were relatively strong spells for fighting.
Waiting for Yuumi’s Q to land…
“Please hit it…”
Finally, Yuumi’s Q connected.
It felt more like the enemy came to get hit rather than her actually landing it, which was concerning, but I immediately used E skill Arcane Shift to move in front of the slowed Xerath who got hit by Yuumi’s Q. The panicked Xerath tried to Flash away from me, but their HP was already below 20%, and I followed with Flash to land auto-attacks and Q.
[First Blood!]
“Where do you think you’re going!”
[Where do you think you’re going!]
Sivir tried to escape towards the river during this time, but thanks to Yuumi’s Exhaust, their movement speed was significantly slowed.
Moreover, being a Sivir without movement skills, it was impossible to escape from an Ezreal with Yuumi attached. After all, Yuumi could give movement speed through her skills.
[Double Kill]
In the end, after alternating between a few auto-attacks and skills, they gave me a double kill without much resistance.
“Maybe… I’m actually good?”
[Ah it would’ve been cool if you’d just kept quiet]
[For real couldn’t even hold it in for that moment lol]
“Ah should’ve stayed quiet”
Coming back to base after the double kill, my items were quite complete.
Whether it was because I didn’t get harassed, or because I was last-hitting minions better than usual, quite a bit of gold had accumulated. What followed was one-sided. As soon as I saw the enemy, I could immediately Arcane Shift forward and win fights even at a disadvantage due to the item difference.
It was literally at the level of beating them with money.
[All Chat] Sivir: Ah Xerath is so f*cking bad
[All Chat] Xerath: Someone report Sivir for verbal abuse please sisters
[All Chat] Ezreal: Stop… don’t fight because of me
[Wow really toxic]
“Wait, who’s calling who toxic?”
[Don’t you know about like streamer like viewers?]
“But that doesn’t make sense since you all just came today”
Like streamer, like viewers.
It’s a saying that came about because viewers in a streamer’s channel often end up having similar thoughts and personalities as the streamer over time.
It seemed strange to use such a phrase for me on my first stream.
The game remained one-sided afterward.
The moment Sivir or Xerath gave distance, I would Arcane Shift forward, Yuumi would apply slow or root, and we’d finish them off.
Sometimes the enemy jungler would come down to try for my shutdown gold, but it wasn’t enough to stop an already too-fed Ezreal. After all, Ezreal was one of those champions that grew exponentially stronger the more items they got. And because the jungler kept coming bottom, our team’s top and mid succeeded in ganks, making all lanes advantageous.
Then the promised 15 minutes arrived.
“Ah carried!”
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(End of chapter)
[1] 😑
I changed our mc’s nickname from ”Scold Master” to “Insult Master” in the previous chapter.
This chapter was headache inducing.